Thursday, February 2, 2012

pre-apocalyptic independence?

From inception, Signals has been constantly evolving. Birthed from the roots and ashes of other works, Signals has shed all past iterations and mutated to a unique genre of electro-positivity. Over time this has been carried on through front-man, Jon Gray.

It starts in your belly, best when combined with drinks (herbal and caffeinated,) and transforms into anthemic, happy jams, causing unstoppable dancing (or head bobbing).

Signals is progressively happier, dancier, with a melodic focus on positive energy. Past-member, Bill Gray, is quoted as saying "Signals is a band, but it can also be one man. It was from Los Angeles but now, from where the man or the band feel like residing. Bleeps, bloops, and deaf-defying grooves have been a main inspiration. As well as a desperate urge to understand more about what this 'Signals' could potentially be."

Expect the high energy, sweaty dance infused performances from days of yore. You will leave with a smile pasted on your face, wanting to pay forward the good times you just experienced.

"Every taboo tackled; every muscle accounted for. Hoorah." -Bill Gray (Ex-Brother)

(words courtesy:Bill Gray/ Meghan Richardson, photo courtesy: Meghan Richardson 2011)

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